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P: 575-653-4025

Skipworth Dr, Lincoln, New Mexico

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This National Historic Site is considered by many historians to be the most authentic old west town remaining in the United States. Center of the bloody Lincoln County War, the little hamlet was launched into the history books by a host of famous characters including Billy the Kid, Kit Carson, Pat Garrett, John Chisum, and Lew Wallace.

In a sense, you’re walking through a museum as you stroll through the town. The core of the historical importance here is the Lincoln County War and its players, which include Billy the Kid (he made a famous escape from the Courthouse), Sheriff Pat Garrett, John Chisum, Alexander McSween, and John Tunstall.

Walking through all of these museums/locations gives one a sense of the way things were. The Courthouse seems almost untouched. Take a picture next to an image of the famous life-sized tintype blow-up of Billy.

Annual events: Old Lincoln Days Celebrations the first weekend in August; Christmas Eve in Old Lincoln Dec 24 (7 p.m. Episcopalian service, 10 p.m. Catholic Mass).

Location: 12 miles east of Capitan on U.S. 380 (30 miles north of Ruidoso). 


Ruidoso, New Mexico
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